Table of Contents

In this blog post…


I’ve been meaning to blog about Swift and Objective-C interoperability for quite some time. It’s a topic that may no longer be that “hot” anymore — when I told a friend I wanted to write on the topic, I was told “but no one is writing Objective-C code, and thus, interop code anymore!” While it may be a minority, I know there are a few companies that still write Objective-C, as well as projects that still have so called “legacy” Objective-C code that they may not want to rewrite… but do want to use from Swift.

Generated Interfaces

Before going through certain aspects of annotating your Objective-C headers (which is basically what allows you to interop between your Objective-C and Swift code), I want to start where, well, we should start: generated interfaces. Xcode allows us to, for a given Objective-C header, generate its accompanying Swift interface. Which at worst may be empty, and at best (already) exposes your complete interface to Swift.

Near the top left of the main Xcode interface is a button called “Related Items”. It’s the button of connected squares right beneath your project name in the top bar.

Clicking on it reveals a bunch of options — I’d encourage you to check them all out! But for now, let’s go to Related Items > Counterparts > MyHeader.h > (Swift 5 Interface). As you can see, there are, at the time of writing, options to look at the Swift 4, 4.2, and 5 interfaces.

The Related Items and Generated Interfaces menu in Xcode.

While troubleshooting your generated interface is beyond the scope of this post, if no interface is being generated at all, check if you’re importing Foudation (#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>). I’ve found this to often be the culprit of a) preventing the interface from being generated or b) all types to be Any in Swift.

Intermission (Why Swift?)

While you’re probably here because you’re interested in reading about making your Objective-C code accessible from Swift, you may just wonder: why? Why Swift? Or perhaps, for whatever reason, you can’t write production code in Swift and “simply” want to prepare your Objective-C code for a future where you can.

For the first question: in Swift, the compiler can do so much more to help you write valid, safe code. Switches can be exhaustive, causing compiler errors when you add new cases to an enum. On the topic of switches… they are so much more powerful allowing your to write more expressive, safe code. No longer can you only switch on integers. You can switch and pattern match using pretty much anything, like strings.

For the second “question”: auditing your code base to interface well with Swift has two clear benefits. First of all, it allows you to start writing Swift in non-production code, like tests — which is a great way to start writing Swift code as well as verifying if your Objective-C code properly interfaces with Swift.

Secondly, it can help reason about your code in Objective-C, and the compiler can emit some warnings when you don’t keep to the “contract”. One of those is lightweight generics, where the compiler will warn you when you put, for example, an NSString in an array that you told the compiler will only contain NSNumber instances. There’s also the concept of nullability — should this thing ever be able to be nil? In Swift, the compiler will guarantee these things, and error if you don’t comply to the rules. In Objective-C the compiler will be tame, and only emit warnings. There (still) be dragons.


Nullability is the concept of defining if a type can be nil or not, guaranteed by the compiler in Swift. There’s a few keywords in play:

  • nonnull — guarantees a type can never be nil.
  • nullable — indicates a type can be nil — or optional in the Swift world.
  • null_unspecified — indicates a type can technically be nil, but really isn’t expected to be in practice. An example of this would be an Interface Builder outlet. It will be nil at some point, but will be nonnull by the time the view has loaded.
  • null_resettable — for completion of the list, but it is generally discouraged to use this one. It’s practically the same as null_unspecified, but the idea is that setting the type to nil will “reset” it to its default value — whatever that may be. This is in no way guaranteed by the compiler, however, which is not really what we want.

And then there are two more, and they are good friends:


These will be in any new Objective-C header created by Xcode, and do what they say on the tin: they expose everything as nonnull by default — also the default in Swift. It would be quite cumbersome to annotate everything as nonnull, so these make the whole thing a lot easier!

Let’s take a look at these in action with the following Objective-C header file.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface BTBWatch : NSObject

- (NSInteger)currentHour;
- (NSInteger)currentMinute;
- (NSInteger)currentSecond;
- (NSDate *)currentDate;

- (BOOL)setTimeWithHours:(NSInteger)hours
                   error:(NSError **)error;
- (void)printCurrentTime;

@property (nonatomic) NSString *strapType;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *functions;


If we look at its generated interface, this is what we’re starting off with:

open class BTBWatch : NSObject {
    open func currentHour() -> Int
    open func currentMinute() -> Int
    open func currentSecond() -> Int
    open func currentDate() -> Date!

    open func setTimeWithHours(_ hours: Int, minutes: Int, seconds: Int) throws
    open func printCurrentTime()

    open var strapType: String!
    open var functions: [Any]! { get }

Notice Int is not implicitly unwrapped — as these are backed by value types in Objective-C (where they can not be nil), neither will they be in Swift.

Let’s start with the “buddies” NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN and NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END; we’re seeing exclamation points in our generated interface… as we discussed previously, we generally want to avoid these. And as you can imagine, currentDate, for example, should always return a non-nil date.

(Oh, and while we’re here… going to Related Items > Counterparts > MyHeader.h > (Swift 5 Interface) again may not reflect any updates made to the header. Not sure why that is the case. You can most often switch back-and-forth to Swift 4.2 and 5, and it will regenerate.)


@interface BTBWatch : NSObject

/// Interface here


open class BTBWatch : NSObject {
    open func currentHour() -> Int
    open func currentMinute() -> Int
    open func currentSecond() -> Int
    open func currentDate() -> Date

    open func setTimeWithHours(_ hours: Int, minutes: Int, seconds: Int) throws
    open func printCurrentTime()

    open var strapType: String
    open var functions: [Any] { get }


While you’d probably, at the very least most often, have a watch with a strap (or bracelet) on, it may not always be the case. So let’s make it optional.

@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *strapType;
open var strapType: String?

Now, the compiler allows us to set it to nil for those cases we don’t have the watch attached to a strap or bracelet.

And, we only have to annotate the one property, instead of annotating all the remaining ones with nonnull courtesy of NS_ASSUME_NONNULL.

Methods and Properties

Whereas in Objective-C, at the call site, there’s not that much of a difference between methods and properties — you can call both a property isRunning and a method isRunning as [myWatch isRunning], but in Swift this would be different: myWatch.isRunning versus myWatch.isRunning(). Generally, you want to make base this on performance; properties when something can be executed in O(1) time; otherwise, use a function.

Going back to our Watch example, that means we’d probably want to convert our current* functions to properties.

So instead of

- (NSInteger)currentHour;
- (NSInteger)currentMinute;
- (NSInteger)currentSecond;
- (NSDate *)currentDate;

which would generate, as we’ve seen earlier:

open func currentHour() -> Int
open func currentMinute() -> Int
open func currentSecond() -> Int
open func currentDate() -> Date

we’d want

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger currentHour;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger currentMinute;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger currentSecond;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *currentDate;

which generates the following:

open var currentHour: Int { get }
open var currentMinute: Int { get }
open var currentSecond: Int { get }
open var currentDate: Date { get }

Swift Renaming

In Swift, we generally use a different naming strategy than in Objective-C. A big reason for this is the difference in the way we write functions. Where in Objective-C, the first argument is always part of the function name, in Swift, it will be like any other argument — and thus, looking at our example again:

open func setTimeWithHours(_ hours: Int, minutes: Int, seconds: Int)

Is something we’d probably want to rename in Swift. While sometimes the generated interface is already smart enough to infer these “Swiftier” names, in this case, it didn’t. We can explicitly name it using NS_SWIFT_NAME, like so:

- (void)setTimeWithHours:(NSInteger)hours
                   error:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(setTime(hours:minutes:seconds:));

which now generates the following, renamed function:

open func setTime(hours: Int, minutes: Int, seconds: Int) throws

Notice we omit the error parameter, as this is natively bridged to use throws in Swift.


As in Swift we have namespaces, we would probably also want to consider dropping our class suffix:

@interface BTBWatch : NSObject
open class Watch : NSObject {
    // ...

Nesting Types

Let’s add something to our class: an enum that describes the kind of movement in our watch:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BTBMovementType) {
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(MovementType);

and let’s take a look at what this exposes in Swift:

public enum MovementType : Int {
    case quartz = 0
    case manual = 1
    case automatic = 2

In Swift, we can nest types. Which would probably make sense to use here; we would nest it under our Watch; its associated or “parent” object:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BTBMovementType) {
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(Watch.MovementType);

which generates the following:

extension Watch {
    public enum MovementType : Int {
        case quartz = 0
        case manual = 1
        case automatic = 2

One thing to note here is that we use NS_ENUM; NS_CLOSED_ENUM also exists. You would use this if you’re absolutely sure this enum will not change going forward; imagine, for example, a traffic light only ever having a red, yellow, and green light.

If you want to read more about why you’d want to make sure to get this right, and what it means in Swift, I suggest this great blog post by John Sundell.

Enums and Option Sets

Our watch is made by someone, some brand. Let’s explore how we could write this in Objective-C, and how we can best expose that to Swift:


const NSString *patekPhilippe;
const NSString *aLangeSoehne;
const NSString *omega;
const NSString *meisterSinger;

@interface BTBWatch : NSObject

// ...

As-is, Swift generates the following:

public let patekPhilippe: String
public let aLangeSoehne: String
public let omega: String
public let meisterSinger: String

But in Swift, this can be expressed in a more elegant, typed way:


NS_SWIFT_NAME(Watch.Brand) typedef NSString * WatchBrand NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM;
const WatchBrand patekPhilippe;
const WatchBrand aLangeSoehne;
const WatchBrand omega;
const WatchBrand meisterSinger;

@interface BTBWatch : NSObject

// ...

Which generates the following in Swift:

extension Watch {
    public struct Brand : Hashable, Equatable, RawRepresentable {
        public init(_ rawValue: String)
        public init(rawValue: String)

extension Watch.Brand {
    public static let patekPhilippe: Watch.Brand
    public static let aLangeSoehne: Watch.Brand
    public static let omega: Watch.Brand
    public static let meisterSinger: Watch.Brand

We could then even extend this in Swift:

extension Watch.Brand {
    public static let mondaine: Watch.Brand

And, as you may have noticed, we can use this new “type” Watch.Brand. Whilst NSString under the hood, only Watch.Brand “types” can be passed.

Option Sets

Imagine we’d want to describe what kind of complications our watch has. For this, we can use an option set.

In Objective-C:

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, BTBComplication) {
    BTBComplicationDateWindow            = 1 << 0,
    BTBComplicationPowerReserveIndicator = 1 << 1,
    BTBComplicationChronograph           = 1 << 2
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(Watch.Complication);

Generates the following, fully typed and very powerful,

extension Watch {
    public struct Complication : OptionSet {
        public init(rawValue: Int)

        public static var dateWindow: Watch.Complication { get }
        public static var powerReserveIndicator: Watch.Complication { get }
        public static var chronograph: Watch.Complication { get }

Note, particularly, that this conforms to the protocol OptionSet, transiently conforming to SetAlgebra, which gives us these functions for free, making for a much more expressive type than is possible in Objective-C.


In terms of our watch’s functions, let’s say we’re storing them as NSString instances. We’d not want a “random” NSInteger sneaking in there, now would we?

Let’s annotate it, going from

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *functions;

which generates

open var functions: [Any] { get }

we change it to

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<NSString *> *functions;

which generates

open var functions: [String] { get }

… So Now What?

Well, this is a great start in making your Objective-C code interoperable with Swift. To go deeper into this topic, I very much recommend the WWDC session Refine Objective-C frameworks for Swift.