A Journey to Conforming to Sequence... and Collection
So quite a while ago I started working on a 15-puzzle implementation for tvOS.
I had a lot of fun doing that over a few days but then had some hiccups trying to port it to iOS and kind of left it there. You know, your standard side project. (or at least my standard side project…)
Fast forward to a few weeks ago and with this still in the back of my mind, I wanted to challenge myself to write a solver for this puzzle.
It sounded like an interesting problem to solve (pun intended) and would give me the opportunity to learn about well, writing a solver, as well as diving into algorithms, optimization, math, etc… the possibilities are endless!
I started looking into ways to go about solving this puzzle — it is really interesting to see this pretty much 180 degree change from you solving the puzzle versus solving it with an algorithm. Long story short, I watched a few videos (which I highly recommend you watching, if you are interested in algorithms!) and was hooked.
Writing a solver
I did not only want to write a solver that, given input A
, would return me
output B
, but rather give me all its steps towards B
. That is what this
post will dive into.
Imagine the following code:
struct Board {
// some implementation
func solve() {
// convert "a" to "b" here
This is the “simple” approach of converting input A
to output B
. But we need
more. The solve()
function should return a solution, including its steps:
func solve() -> Solution<Board> {
// return the solution somehow
This all made sense in my mind. Actually, I wrote this pseudocode after I put the code down and went to bed, where my brain continued thinking about it.
The next day, I started working on the Solution
struct Solution<Problem> {
struct Step<T> {
let step: T
let steps: [Step<Problem>]
var input: Step<Problem> {
steps.first! // safe, as steps will guaranteed to be larger than 0.
var output: Step<Problem> {
steps.last! // safe, as steps will guaranteed to be larger than 0.
init(steps: [Step<Problem>]) {
precondition(steps.count > 0, "Solution must contain at least one step.")
self.steps = steps
init(steps: Step<Problem>...) {
self.init(steps: steps)
As you can see, Solution
is generic over Problem
. Now I am not quite sure
yet if I like that name, but with Xcode’s ability to refactor it later (🙃),
I am sure I will be fine. (well actually, refactoring does not work in
Playgrounds, where I am experimenting with this. 🤷♂️)
⚠️ If you are using Playgrounds on macOS, use a macOS Playground rather than an iOS Playground if you can get away with it; an iOS Playground will be a lot slower as it will use a simulator under the hood. ⚠️
That being said, we got a first implementation going! It is still awful to explain to the type checker1, but check it out:
let solution = Solution<Int>(
steps: Solution.Step(step: 1), Solution.Step(step: 2), Solution.Step(step: 3)
print(solution.input) // Step<Int>(step: 1)
print(solution.output) // Step<Int>(step: 3)
And the steps look like this:
print(solution.steps) // [__lldb_expr_46.Solution<Swift.Int>.Step<Swift.Int>(step: 1), __lldb_expr_46.Solution<Swift.Int>.Step<Swift.Int>(step: 2), __lldb_expr_46.Solution<Swift.Int>.Step<Swift.Int>(step: 3)]
Yikes. Although… that was not the point I wanted to make. What I want to be able to do (and yes, I am actually going to talk about the post’s topic now!), is to look at all steps of my solution.
Simple, you say? Indeed!
for step in solution.steps {
// Step<Int>(step: 1)
// Step<Int>(step: 2)
// Step<Int>(step: 3)
But would it not be marvelous if we can do this more magically, like so:
for step in solution {
Yes. Yes it would. Enter Sequence
Conforming to Sequence
, part I
So “all” we have to do here, is to make sure that our Solution
conforms to
the Sequence
protocol. Like the Array
already does.
So let us look at the documentation.
Conforming to the
ProtocolMaking your own custom types conform to
enables many useful operations, likefor-in
looping and thecontains
method, without much effort. To addSequence
conformance to your own custom type, add amakeIterator()
method that returns an iterator.Alternatively, if your type can act as its own iterator, implementing the requirements of the
protocol and declaring conformance to bothSequence
are sufficient.
Well then. I do not know about you, but I was still a bit stuck at this point.
It does feel like Solution
will act as its own iterator. But how do I create
this “iterator”?
Well, I was lucky. The documentation continued:
Here’s a definition of a
sequence that serves as its own iterator. ThemakeIterator()
method is provided as a default implementation.
Exactly. We do not have to worry about this iterator, and have an example implementation.
struct Countdown: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
var count: Int
mutating func next() -> Int? {
if count == 0 {
return nil
} else {
defer { count -= 1 }
return count
let threeToGo = Countdown(count: 3)
for i in threeToGo {
// Prints "3"
// Prints "2"
// Prints "1"
Now let us implement ours.
Conforming to Sequence
, part II
This is where the “fun” starts. Let us expand on the Solution
type, and make
it ready to implement Sequence
as well as IteratorProtocol
struct Solution<Problem>: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
And now we use the fixit that Xcode will provide us, and implement the missing implementations, right? Right.
This is what it generates:
struct Solution<Problem>: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = <#type#>
typealias Iterator = <#type#>
typealias Element = <#type#>
Welp. I should file a JIRA for this.
At this point, I gave up on trying to figure this out myself, and came across a blog post from NatashaTheRobot that was exactly what I was looking for.
So, like in the Countdown
example, let us implement next()
… the only
thing we will actually have to implement.
struct Solution<Problem>: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
private var _index: Int? = nil
mutating func next() -> Step<Problem>? {
// we're counting up (looping though the steps array), so begin at _index 0.
if _index == nil { _index = 0 }
// shadow _index so we do not have to deal with its optionality
// this is also why the "other" index is underscored.
var index = _index!
if index < steps.count {
// always move the _index forward after we can return a step
defer { _index! += 1 }
return steps[index]
} else {
// when we're done, reset the _index to nil.
_index = nil
return nil
Et voilà:
for step in solution {
// Step<Int>(step: 1)
// Step<Int>(step: 2)
// Step<Int>(step: 3)
Magical. 🧙♂️
Update: … and Collection
My colleague Manuele and later (my not
colleague) Soroush pointed out that it might
make more sense for this Solution
type to conform to Collection
itself conforms to Sequence
) instead. From the documentation:
A sequence whose elements can be traversed multiple times, nondestructively, and accessed by an indexed subscript.
And yes, it would make sense to be able to traverse a solution multiple times.
So, let’s implement it. First, we conform to Collection
- struct Solution<Problem>: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
+ struct Solution<Problem>: Collection {
And then we implement it, getting rid of a lot (read: all) of our manual work
that was required to conform to Sequence
- private var _index: Int? = nil
- mutating func next() -> Step<Problem>? {
- // we're counting up (looping though the steps array), so begin at _index 0.
- if _index == nil { _index = 0 }
- // shadow _index so we do not have to deal with its optionality
- // this is also why the "other" index is underscored.
- var index = _index!
- if index < steps.count {
- // always move the _index forward after we can return a step
- defer { _index! += 1 }
- return steps[index]
- } else {
- // when we're done, reset the _index to nil.
- _index = nil
- return nil
- }
- }
Where instead, we can now piggyback on our internal array of Step
var startIndex: Int {
var endIndex: Int {
subscript(i: Int) -> Step<Problem> {
func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
steps.index(after: i)
And that is it! This is so much easier to understand and gives me a lot more confidence when it comes to its validity, both from a correctness and performance point of view.
You can find the implemention of the Solution
type, including the one
conforming to Collection
instead of Sequence
in this gist.
If you have any ideas on how to improve this the verbosity of initializing a
, being able to help the type checker, please let me know! ↩